import qs from "qs" export function getStrapiURL(path) { return `${ process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_STRAPI_API_URL || "http://localhost:1337" }${path}` } /** * Helper to make GET requests to Strapi API endpoints * @param {string} path Path of the API route * @param {Object} urlParamsObject URL params object, will be stringified * @param {RequestInit} options Options passed to fetch * @returns Parsed API call response */ export async function fetchAPI(path, urlParamsObject = {}, options = {}) { // Merge default and user options const mergedOptions = { headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json", }, ...options, } // Build request URL const queryString = qs.stringify(urlParamsObject) const requestUrl = `${getStrapiURL( `/api${path}${queryString ? `?${queryString}` : ""}` )}` // Trigger API call const response = await fetch(requestUrl, mergedOptions) // Handle response if (!response.ok) { console.error(response.statusText) throw new Error(`An error occured please try again`) } const data = await response.json() return data } /** * * @param {Object} options * @param {string} options.slug The page's slug * @param {string} options.locale The current locale specified in router.locale * @param {boolean} options.preview router isPreview value */ export async function getPageData({ slug, locale, preview }) { // Find the pages that match this slug const gqlEndpoint = getStrapiURL("/graphql") const pagesRes = await fetch(gqlEndpoint, { method: "POST", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json", }, body: JSON.stringify({ query: ` fragment FileParts on UploadFileEntityResponse { data { id attributes { alternativeText width height mime url formats } } } query GetPages( $slug: String! $publicationState: PublicationState! $locale: I18NLocaleCode! ) { pages( filters: { slug: { eq: $slug } } publicationState: $publicationState locale: $locale ) { data { id attributes { locale localizations { data { id attributes { locale } } } slug metadata { metaTitle metaDescription shareImage { ...FileParts } twitterCardType twitterUsername } contentSections { __typename ... on ComponentSectionsBottomActions { id title buttons { id newTab text type url } } ... on ComponentSectionsHero { id buttons { id newTab text type url } title description label picture { ...FileParts } } ... on ComponentSectionsFeatureColumnsGroup { id features { id description icon { ...FileParts } title } } ... on ComponentSectionsFeatureRowsGroup { id features { id description link { id newTab text url } media { ...FileParts } title } } ... on ComponentSectionsTestimonialsGroup { id description link { id newTab text url } logos { id title logo { ...FileParts } } testimonials { id logo { ...FileParts } picture { ...FileParts } text authorName authorTitle link } title } ... on ComponentSectionsLargeVideo { id description title poster { ...FileParts } video { ...FileParts } } ... on ComponentSectionsRichText { id content } ... on ComponentSectionsPricing { id title plans { description features { id name } id isRecommended name price pricePeriod } } ... on ComponentSectionsLeadForm { id emailPlaceholder location submitButton { id text type } title } } } } } } `, variables: { slug, publicationState: preview ? "PREVIEW" : "LIVE", locale, }, }), }) const pagesData = await pagesRes.json() // Make sure we found something, otherwise return null if ( == null || === 0) { return null } // Return the first item since there should only be one result per slug return[0] } // Get site data from Strapi (metadata, navbar, footer...) export async function getGlobalData(locale) { const gqlEndpoint = getStrapiURL("/graphql") const globalRes = await fetch(gqlEndpoint, { method: "POST", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json", }, body: JSON.stringify({ query: ` fragment FileParts on UploadFileEntityResponse { data { id attributes { alternativeText width height mime url formats } } } query GetGlobal($locale: I18NLocaleCode!) { global(locale: $locale) { data { id attributes { favicon { ...FileParts } metadata { metaTitle metaDescription shareImage { ...FileParts } twitterCardType twitterUsername } metaTitleSuffix notificationBanner { type text } navbar { logo { ...FileParts } links { id url newTab text } button { id url newTab text type } } footer { logo { ...FileParts } smallText columns { id title links { id url newTab text } } } } } } } `, variables: { locale, }, }), }) const global = await globalRes.json() return }