import ErrorPage from "next/error" import { getPageData, fetchAPI, getGlobalData } from "utils/api" import Sections from "@/components/sections" import Seo from "@/components/elements/seo" import { useRouter } from "next/router" import Layout from "@/components/layout" import { getLocalizedPaths } from "utils/localize" // The file is called [[...slug]].js because we're using Next's // optional catch all routes feature. See the related docs: // const DynamicPage = ({ sections, metadata, preview, global, pageContext }) => { const router = useRouter() // Check if the required data was provided if (!router.isFallback && !sections?.length) { return } // Loading screen (only possible in preview mode) if (router.isFallback) { return
} // Merge default site SEO settings with page specific SEO settings if (metadata.shareImage?.data == null) { delete metadata.shareImage } const metadataWithDefaults = {, ...metadata, } return ( {/* Add meta tags for SEO*/} {/* Display content sections */} ) } export async function getStaticPaths(context) { // Get all pages from Strapi const pages = await context.locales.reduce( async (currentPagesPromise, locale) => { const currentPages = await currentPagesPromise const localePages = await fetchAPI("/pages", { locale, fields: ["slug", "locale"], }) return [...currentPages,] }, Promise.resolve([]) ) const paths = => { const { slug, locale } = page.attributes // Decompose the slug that was saved in Strapi const slugArray = !slug ? false : slug.split("/") return { params: { slug: slugArray }, // Specify the locale to render locale, } }) return { paths, fallback: true } } export async function getStaticProps(context) { const { params, locale, locales, defaultLocale, preview = null } = context const globalLocale = await getGlobalData(locale) // Fetch pages. Include drafts if preview mode is on const pageData = await getPageData({ slug: (!params.slug ? [""] : params.slug).join("/"), locale, preview, }) if (pageData == null) { // Giving the page no props will trigger a 404 page return { props: {} } } // We have the required page data, pass it to the page component const { contentSections, metadata, localizations, slug } = pageData.attributes const pageContext = { locale, locales, defaultLocale, slug, localizations, } const localizedPaths = getLocalizedPaths(pageContext) return { props: { preview, sections: contentSections, metadata, global:, pageContext: { ...pageContext, localizedPaths, }, }, } } export default DynamicPage