import { useEffect, useState, useRef } from "react" import { useRouter } from "next/router" import PropTypes from "prop-types" import Link from "next/link" import Cookies from "js-cookie" import { MdExpandMore } from "react-icons/md" import WorldIcon from "./icons/world" import { useOnClickOutside } from "../utils/hooks" import { getLocalizedPage } from "../utils/localize" const LocaleSwitch = ({ pageContext }) => { const isMounted = useRef(false) const select = useRef() const router = useRouter() const [locale, setLocale] = useState() const [showing, setShowing] = useState(false) const handleLocaleChange = async (selectedLocale) => { // Persist the user's language preference // Cookies.set("NEXT_LOCALE", selectedLocale) setLocale(selectedLocale) } const handleLocaleChangeRef = useRef(handleLocaleChange) useOnClickOutside(select, () => setShowing(false)) useEffect(() => { const localeCookie = Cookies.get("NEXT_LOCALE") if (!localeCookie) { handleLocaleChangeRef.current(router.locale) } const checkLocaleMismatch = async () => { if ( !isMounted.current && localeCookie && localeCookie !== pageContext.locale ) { // Redirect to locale page if locale mismatch const localePage = getLocalizedPage(localeCookie, pageContext) router.push( `${localizePath({ ...pageContext, ...localePage })}`, `${localizePath({ ...pageContext, ...localePage })}`, { locale: localePage.locale } ) } setShowing(false) } setLocale(localeCookie || router.locale) checkLocaleMismatch() return () => { isMounted.current = true } }, [locale, router, pageContext]) return (
{pageContext.localizedPaths &&{ href, locale }) => { return (

handleLocaleChange(locale)} className="capitalize hover:bg-primary-50 hover:text-primary-600 cursor-pointer p-2 rounded-md text-center hover:text-primary-600" > {locale}

) })}
) } LocaleSwitch.propTypes = { initialLocale: PropTypes.string, } export default LocaleSwitch