Kleies Utility programm für unsere Email verwaltung
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

66 lines
2.2 KiB

import imaplib, email, os
from dotenv import load_dotenv
complexSearch1 = "UNANSWERED SENTSINCE 01-Sep-2022"
pw = os.getenv('PASSWORD')
server ="w00e1ce2.kasserver.com"
username ="booking@sommerschein.de"
# Connect to inbox
imap_server = imaplib.IMAP4_SSL(host=server)
imap_server.login(username, pw)
imap_server.select() # Default is `INBOX`
contacts = []
# Find all emails in inbox
_, message_numbers_raw = imap_server.search(None, complexSearch1)
for message_number in message_numbers_raw[0].split():
_, msg = imap_server.fetch(message_number, '(RFC822)')
# Parse the raw email message in to a convenient object
message = email.message_from_bytes(msg[0][1])
contact = message['from'].lower()
if contact not in contacts:
print('== Email message =====')
# print(message) # print FULL message
print('== Email details =====')
print(f'From: {message["from"]}')
print(f'To: {message["to"]}')
print(f'Cc: {message["cc"]}')
print(f'Bcc: {message["bcc"]}')
print(f'Urgency (1 highest 5 lowest): {message["x-priority"]}')
print(f'Object type: {type(message)}')
print(f'Content type: {message.get_content_type()}')
print(f'Content disposition: {message.get_content_disposition()}')
print(f'Multipart?: {message.is_multipart()}')
# If the message is multipart, it basically has multiple emails inside
# so you must extract each "submail" separately.
if message.is_multipart():
print('Multipart types:')
for part in message.walk():
print(f'- {part.get_content_type()}')
multipart_payload = message.get_payload()
for sub_message in multipart_payload:
# The actual text/HTML email contents, or attachment data
else: # Not a multipart message, payload is simple string
# You could also use `message.iter_attachments()` to get attachments only
for c in contacts:
for c in contacts:
contact = c.split('<')
if len(contact) == 2:
contact = contact[1].split('>')