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ESP8266/Arduino Library for reading rotary encoder values.
Copyright 2017-2022 Lennart Hennigs.
#include "ESPRotary.h"
// initialize static counter
int ESPRotary::_nextID = 0;
void ESPRotary::_setID()
id = _nextID;
ESPRotary::ESPRotary(byte pin1, byte pin2, byte steps_per_click /* = 1 */, int lower_bound /* = INT16_MIN */, int upper_bound /* = INT16_MAX */, int inital_pos /* = 0 */, int increment /* = 1 */)
begin(pin1, pin2, steps_per_click, lower_bound, upper_bound, inital_pos, increment);
void ESPRotary::begin(byte pin1, byte pin2, byte steps_per_click /* = 1 */, int lower_bound /* = INT16_MIN */, int upper_bound /* = INT16_MAX */, int inital_pos /* = 0 */, int increment /* = 1 */)
this->pin1 = pin1;
this->pin2 = pin2;
pinMode(pin1, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode(pin2, INPUT_PULLUP);
steps = inital_pos * steps_per_click;
last_event = rotary_event::none;
dir = rotary_direction::undefined;
void ESPRotary::setUpperBound(int upper)
upper_bound = (lower_bound < upper) ? upper : lower_bound;
void ESPRotary::setLowerBound(int lower)
lower_bound = (lower < upper_bound) ? lower : upper_bound;
int ESPRotary::getUpperBound() const
return upper_bound;
int ESPRotary::getLowerBound() const
return lower_bound;
void ESPRotary::setChangedHandler(CallbackFunction f)
change_cb = f;
void ESPRotary::setRightRotationHandler(CallbackFunction f)
right_cb = f;
void ESPRotary::setLeftRotationHandler(CallbackFunction f)
left_cb = f;
void ESPRotary::setUpperOverflowHandler(CallbackFunction f)
upper_cb = f;
void ESPRotary::setLowerOverflowHandler(CallbackFunction f)
lower_cb = f;
void ESPRotary::setSpeedupStartedHandler(CallbackFunction f)
speedup_start_cb = f;
void ESPRotary::setSpeedupEndedHandler(CallbackFunction f)
speedup_end_cb = f;
void ESPRotary::resetPosition(int p /* = 0 */, bool fireCallback /* = true */)
// change position?
if (p == getPosition())
// yes...
steps = p * steps_per_click;
if (fireCallback)
last_event = rotary_event::none;
dir = rotary_direction::undefined;
in_speedup = false;
void ESPRotary::setIncrement(int increment)
this->increment = increment;
int ESPRotary::getIncrement() const
return increment;
void ESPRotary::setStepsPerClick(int steps)
steps_per_click = (steps < 1) ? 1 : steps;
int ESPRotary::getStepsPerClick() const
return steps_per_click;
rotary_direction ESPRotary::getDirection() const
return dir;
String ESPRotary::directionToString(rotary_direction dir) const
return (dir == rotary_direction::right) ? "right" : "left";
int ESPRotary::getPosition() const
return steps / steps_per_click;
int ESPRotary::getID() const
return id;
void ESPRotary::setID(int newID)
id = newID;
bool ESPRotary::operator==(ESPRotary &rhs)
return (this == &rhs);
void ESPRotary::loop()
unsigned long now = millis();
// did it change (enough)?
if (!_wasRotated())
dir = (steps > last_steps) ? rotary_direction::right : rotary_direction::left;
// shall I speedup things
if (enable_speedup)
// are we out of bounds?
if (_isWithinBounds(true))
// trigger rotation event
_setEvent((dir == rotary_direction::right) ? rotary_event::right_rotation : rotary_event::left_rotation);
last_turn = now;
last_steps = steps;
bool ESPRotary::_wasRotated()
static const int8_t factors[] = {0, 1, -1, 2, -1, 0, -2, 1, 1, -2, 0, -1, 2, -1, 1, 0};
int encoderState = (state & 3) | digitalRead(pin1) << 2 | digitalRead(pin2) << 3;
steps += factors[encoderState] * increment;
state = (encoderState >> 2);
int stepDifference = abs(steps - last_steps);
return stepDifference >= (steps_per_click * increment);
void ESPRotary::_checkForSpeedup(unsigned long now)
if (now - last_turn > speedup_interval)
if (in_speedup)
steps += ((dir == rotary_direction::right ? 1 : -1) * (speedup_increment - increment) * steps_per_click);
int pos = getPosition();
// only trigger speedup when you are not "on a wall"
if (pos > lower_bound && pos < upper_bound)
if (!in_speedup)
void ESPRotary::triggerOnBounds(bool triggerEvents /* = true */)
boundsTrigger = triggerEvents;
void ESPRotary::_callCallback(CallbackFunction callback)
if (callback != NULL)
bool ESPRotary::_isWithinBounds(bool triggerAlerts /* = false */)
int pos = getPosition();
if (pos > lower_bound && pos < upper_bound)
return true;
if (pos >= upper_bound)
steps = upper_bound * steps_per_click;
if (in_speedup)
if (triggerAlerts)
else if (pos <= lower_bound)
steps = lower_bound * steps_per_click;
if (in_speedup)
if (triggerAlerts)
return false;
void ESPRotary::_setEvent(rotary_event event)
switch (event)
case rotary_event::left_rotation:
case rotary_event::right_rotation:
case rotary_event::speedup_started:
in_speedup = true;
case rotary_event::speedup_ended:
in_speedup = false;
case rotary_event::upper_bound_hit:
if (last_event == rotary_event::upper_bound_hit && !retrigger_event)
if (boundsTrigger)
case rotary_event::lower_bound_hit:
if (last_event == rotary_event::lower_bound_hit && !retrigger_event)
if (boundsTrigger)
case rotary_event::none:
last_event = event;
void ESPRotary::setSpeedupInterval(int interval)
speedup_interval = interval;
int ESPRotary::getSpeedupInterval() const
return speedup_interval;
void ESPRotary::setSpeedupIncrement(int increment)
speedup_increment = increment;
int ESPRotary::getSpeedupIncrement() const
return speedup_increment;
void ESPRotary::enableSpeedup(bool enable)
enable_speedup = enable;
bool ESPRotary::isSpeedupEnabled() const
return enable_speedup;
rotary_event ESPRotary::getLastEvent() const
return last_event;
void ESPRotary::retriggerEvent(bool retrigger)
retrigger_event = retrigger;
bool ESPRotary::isInSpeedup() const
return in_speedup;